About the Pocono Mikvah

With luxurious design and the highest standards of halachic detail, the Mikvah of the Pocono Mountains serves as a beautiful, convenient, and welcoming place for residents and tourists alike to experience the foundational Mitzvah of Mikvah.

Following years of vision, and with blessings from Above, the Mikvah has finally become a reality. The Jewish community of Monroe County, in partnership with Mikvah USA, have built this state-of-the-art Mikvah that is finally ready to open its doors!

A Mikvah Now Accessible To Thousands

With natural wonders, summer resorts, and winter retreats, the Pocono Mountains have become a top vacation destination for thousands of Tri-State Jews, year-round. 

The Poconos also houses countless Jewish summer camps, Yeshiva programs, and close to 10,000 Jewish residents who call it home! Where there are Jews, Jewish life must flourish!

Thus the Pocono Mikvah has now opened its doors!

What is a Mikvah

A single act, infinite rewards 

Immersion in the mikvah at the appropriate time is a mitzvah that can be performed only by women. For women who have experienced their last menstrual period, a single immersion -performed in accordance with specific guidelines can reap a lifetime of blessings for herself and her family. It can elevate her marriage to new heights of holiness, enabling her to enter the next phase of life with a symbolic rebirth and spiritual renewal.

A personal journey, a private mitzvah

The observance of mikvah is an extremely private one. It is a way for a woman to integrate her spiritual nature with her physical being, to connect with Jewish women throughout the world and across time, and to move closer to G-d. To learn more about mikvah, please feel free to reach out with any questions.

Myth vs Reality

Myth: I'm not so religious. It would be hypocritical to go to the mikvah.

Reality: Every mitzvah counts! Immersing in the mikvah offers a wonderful sense of renewal and rebirth. It's the perfect mitzvah for a woman who wants to expand her Jewish horizons.

For more information on Mikvah, visit: www.mikvah.org

Video Source: Mikvah.org